Bloggers are powerful and legal weapons of mass instruction

Palin got it wrong. Once again. She has been whining about the pathetic, boring bloggers who took her down without firing a shot. Just a few well-placed fingers in the eyes…LOL. She is fodder for the bottom of a bird cage now.

But once again Heloise could not let the opportunity pass to put the mighty righties in their place. And most of all to say to Palin and anybody out there listening that bloggers are a legal  on your IRS! Did you know that Sarah? It has its own code number. The details are that if you spend at least 500 hours  per annum writing and publishing information (education) then you are a productive, not boring, citizen. You belong to the tax-paying endangered majority of this country. You count not only to the Netroots but also to Uncle Sam.

I have office space in my home set aside where my HSI and books and office supplies generally take up space. It is a hobby as well. Did you know you can write off your hobbies? So, Sarah’s moose chili makers might want to take notes here.

Heloise might be castigated for confusion but she predicted that stock market slump and urged people on Daily Kos and other places to sell their stock before it was too late.  Some listened others did not. It turns out in 20/20 hindsight that Heloise sold her stock including Apple and JP Morgan Chase stocks at the VERY TIP TOP of the MARKET! Top that.


About heloise8

Meaning of "trough" -- Trough is the bottom of a transverse wave. And generically means a low point or a place to fill. Venus is related to this meaning. Veins are to be filled, and venusian people are loving. The left is more venusian than the right, hence The Trough--where Heloise helps the great and the small. Heloise the politico from Physics preacher, blogger, gardener, beach lover, book lover, writer, author.

Posted on January 16, 2009, in Fiddler On The Roots and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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