Blog Archives

TIVO Or Not TIVO — Politicos and TV shows I can no longer watch

During the political heat of last year by the time I watched the news or CNN it was old news. Online sites had captured the whole thing in a capsule. Then I would blog it and research it and I was an expert. No need for the papers, too late, no need for the news, too soft.

I used TIVO in the headlines to play off “To Be” I use a DVR, but you get my drift.

There is mucho blog chatter about ratings for post-election political talk shows. The ratings are down, and Heloise suspects that the TIVO or DVR crowd has also cut back on the programs that it records for later watching.

For the record I record all the 5:30 major news networks. That is redundant because each one repeats one.

I made that up, but it is soooo true. But I record them just the same. I also record all the Sunday talking heads: from McLaughlin to Meet the Press. I press that record series setting.

Reading on Huffpo today got me to thinking about Chris Matthews’ Hardball. I no longer record his show. Why because it was not record-worthy. I no longer record Rachel Maddow show. Why? She was getting boring with a capital B. She just got duller and duller as she continued to talk bad Bush and good Bush (which I am sure she is conversant with) and I lost interest.

I watched with rapt interest Dancing with the Stars and American Idol, but no more, bye bye Idol Stars!

Then there are the other shows I TIVO — Celebrity Apprentice, Top Model, 60 Minutes, Dateline, 20/20 and a few specials as they arise.

That’s my list more or less. It was what kept me abreast of the rest.