I Believe That This Man (Dan Brown) Was This Man (Dante Bruno)

Profile of Dante Alighieri, one of the most re...

Profile of Dante Alighieri, one of the most renowned Italian poets, painted by his contemporary Giotto di Bondone (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In 2007 I had a revelation about Dan Brown.  I had a rebirth revelation about Brown, not because I met him but because I read him.

After reading his bestseller The Da Vinci Code and even better his earlier book Angels and Demons. The  trailer  is available for Angels and Demons directed by Ron Howard, starring Tom Hanks. Thus I became a part of Dan Brown’s astral family. In a rebirth sense I am also related to Tom Hanks. Why? Because he is a direct ancestor of Nancy Hanks-Lincoln, mother of Abe Lincoln.

Yes, I know it gets complex. I tried to explain it in my book Dinner With da Vinci  (which I’ve made available, however this chapter is not a part of it). In order to find a person’s past life you have to in some way become a part of their current life. One reveals the other, and so it was in the case of Dan Brown.

How does one name contain another name? 

And what does it tell us about its owner? I use something I call and created:  name recognition pattern and it garners high marks. One is often limited to obtaining identities simply because you have not met the person in the life. So you place another person in their stead until you do. It’s not a mistake but rather an application. But before one can make and apply one life to another one must become a part of the other person’s life.

It can happen on the astral plane, mental plane or the physical plane or all three. But somewhere there must be a meeting of the minds, so to speak.

In the case of Dan Brown it turns out that we were astral twins of sorts. I was actually writing about experimental physicists I was working with at the time in 2000.  in my book, had a chance to visit Fermi Lab in Switzerland and both Dan Brown and myself were writing about Da Vinci in the year 2000. I did not discover all of this until I read his book Angels and Demos, which in some ways is better than the DaVinci Code.

After getting into Dan Brown’s mind I saw the light of Dante ‘s life flashed through Dan’s life. I compared their history and their names and voila–it was a rendezvous with Italy.

I started researching and writing about this find. It was not published with my book Dinner With Da Vinci  wherein I do include other famous people such as Sylvia Plath whom I identify now a biracial English writer/author: Zadie Smith, who was almost named Sylvia as the reborn Sylvia Plath, just one of many in my book.

I asked the question was Dan Brown reborn Dante Bruno? The answer was most intriguing because few know that Dante’s step father’s name was Bruno. And had he accepted it his name would be in history as Dante Bruno, instead of Dante Alighieri.

Read it for yourself. The chapter I wrote can be found here .


JCPenney’s ‘Hitler’ Teakettle Sells Out Online

This is funny. SOLD out and removed from website it will be a collector’s item!

Malcolm Gladwell: Biracial and proud of it

English: Malcolm Gladwell speaks at PopTech! 2...

English: Malcolm Gladwell speaks at PopTech! 2008 conference. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Cover of "Outliers: The Story of Success&...

Cover of Outliers: The Story of Success


Malcolm Gladwell

I have just listened to three audiobooks  read by author Malcolm Gladwell.  I have heard of him and his books but just happened upon his Tipping Point and Blink both of which are worth a read.  He is not quite as smart as John McWhorter because in his interview with Gates he peppered his answers with lots of  “ahms, and you know” I’m like WTF?  This guy is not doing a good interview.  Was he nervous or was there bad chemistry between the two talkers.  During his many lectures Gladwell is well, coherent and not stumbling over his words.

My only problem with his thesis in Blink about thinking without thinking is that one is not using the brain or thoughts to reach lightning fast accurate assessments of situations that would harm them if they were to stop and think.  It’s called intuituion and it operates above the mental plane not on it.  So technically he is not correct but subjectively I can give him a pass on the book.  It gets people to thinking about intuition or making choices without thinking but intuiting and TRUSTING THAT INTUIT.

 Oh and how can I forget the Outliers about success.  This October his new book ” David and Goliath” should be out in print.

He  confirms one thing I know from my past life research that nurture and culture are huge and they are passed down just like genes to offspring.  Not only that but particular traits are indeed part of a family’s DNA

I also found this link about his genealogy and that his grandparent was named Thomas Adams.  That’s strange because that’s my maiden name and my grandfather, not the same person of course, was also named Thomas Adams!

I will have to do a little more research because we in fact could be related through our European ancestors.  It’s ironic because my anglo ancestors are mostly on my father’s side hence the name Adams.  However, my mother’s people are Mediterranean hence my olive coloring and Italian ways. 

More later on this guy.  He has interviews on youtube also you can check out. 

Fears Grow of a Himalayan Tsunami as Glaciers Melt

Terror in London Sparks Tensions, Upsurge in Islamophobic Attacks

The Press: Buy One Get One Free

Fox News Channel

Fox News Channel (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In the latest government/Obama scandal of scandals Eric Holder, whom we know has just got to go before he further ruins the rep of the DOJ. James Rosen who is the head of Fox has made his rounds on the airwaves.  Is Eric after him in particular? It seems that Rosen might be a spy!

With the press, in the worthless state they find themselves often in the tank for Obama anyway except for a precious few press and media outlet DOJ or rather the press, has a big friend in  the WH in the form of the Dem-controlled government.  Fox News seems to be the main target of the illegal requests for information. But that is only the beginning of this scurilous scandal.

Is Dan Brown reading “The Trough”?


English: Dante Alighieri's portrait by Sandro ...

English: Dante Alighieri’s portrait by Sandro Botticelli. Tempera 54,7 x 47,5 cm. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



 Dan Brown has a brand new book. http://www.amazon.com/Inferno-Robert-Langdon-Dan-Brown/dp/0385537859/ref=pd_rhf_ee_p_t_1_7M8V#reader_0385537859Here is an insider link from Amazon on some pages, a lot in fact, of this book.

The title is simply “Inferno” as in Dante’s inferno. I postulated some years back and posted it on this web site that using letters and reading the symbology if you will, that Dan Brown was Dante Bruno (brown), which would have been his name had he used it isntead of Aligheri.

The book is also an audiobook which is quite expensive but I will read or listen to it eventually. In what I’ve read so far he uses one of my methods of reading letters to uncover truth.

Now that I’ve met the character I was missing when I wrote my book I should be able to return to that in future it seems. Until then, I keep looking and finding.

update: I’m still here!

Bull Market - sculpture at Toronto-Dominion Ce...

Bull Market – sculpture at Toronto-Dominion Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. A permanent fixture in the grassy courtyard of the office complex, “The Pasture” by sculptor Joe Fafard comprises seven lifelike bronze cows. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The end of this school year saw me jettison some things. The first to go was my prolific blogging both here and on blogcritics. I can’t say I don’t miss it. It did not pay here nor there. So I thought I would make my own money. I opened a stock account and as reporting now and again–it’s going gangbusters.

I have doubled my initial 10K startup. Correction: I did a quick and dirty look at the withdrawals from my porfolio and they come to 11K, and I still have 15K of stock left. So if I sold every position now, I would actually be ahead a whopping 15,000 since January 2013!

I was only in the market to make a little money as in interest on account that I was not getting and this bull market happened on my way to making a little interest.

Everyone is scratching their heads over this market. I am ringing the register with glee.

I know I’ve met the person I was looking for to complete my story. Things are not going smoothly or as expected so I have nothing to say about this meeting except that we met.

Rick Warren: Son bought ‘unregistered gun’

Having a busy and bad year at work

You know I got depression and other problems and really know that teaching in this mileu is not easy for me.  I guess it’s all karma.  I also had good news and maybe that’s why things seem to be falling apart.  I am sure that I’ve met my soul mate.  He is gorgeous and worth the wait. 

He showed up on my birthday this year.  He’s also Jewish can you believe that? Well, Heloise has dated almost every ethnic group including Jewish men, in the past. 

More later.  It’s still new and unsettled yet.  But I knew it was he on first sight.  He looks like he stepped right out a Roman History, ancient, book.  He’s Jewish but looks Roman.  He’s the one I just could not find.